Error message in PM integration with Visma Administration

In this article, we list various error messages and solutions when using Visma Project Management - Visma Administration integration. If you do not find your error message in the list or need further assistance, please contact your Project Management reseller.

Tip: Press CTRL + F to search the page to more easily find your particular error message. 

Incorrect check digit in visma

When transferring, the error message Incorrect check digitis displayed .
This means that a VAT registration number (e.g. format: SE0000000000XX - xx = check digit) is specified on the customer in Visma PM instead of the Organization number (e.g. format: 000000-0000).

It is not possible to enter a VAT registration number in the VAT registration number field on the customer overview in PM on Swedish customers when integrating to Visma Administration. It may seem contradictory, but this is adapted to Visma Administration's logic.

Solution: Log in to Visma PM, go to the customer card for the selected customer. Open and edit the Customer details section. Enter the VAT number correctly:
If it is a Swedish customer, the VAT number in Visma PM must be formatted as a Swedish organization number (eg 000000-0000).

If you still want to enter a VAT number in the PM field, you must mark the customer as Export in Visma Administration or as VAT-free in PM.Note that you are responsible for ensuring that invoicing and VAT are correct in the accounting program if you choose to do so.

Incorrect path to files in Visma / No database open

The error message Incorrect path to common files for Visma Administration or Incorrect path to company is displayed when starting the integration program. The error message No Database open displayed during transfer can also be displayed.

Solution: In the integration program, go to Settings - Settings.
The path you see here to Visma Administration company folder and/or Visma Administration regular files are missing or incorrect. They must be updated with correct paths, if you are unsure of the paths, open Visma Administration.
In the menu bar, select Help - About Visma Administration and then click on System info.
Visma Administration company folder = Path for the company
Visma Administration common files = Path common files 

Copy and paste the paths into the correct field in the integration settings. 

The version of the API is older than the version of Visma Administration / No database open

Error message The version of the API is older than the version of Visma Administration. Update or repair the installation of Visma Administration is displayed at startup. The error message No Database open may also appear during transfer. 


  • Go to the Visma Administration installation folder, if you are unsure right click on the shortcut and select Properties and check the path.
  • Copy the file named Adk.dll in this folder
  • Go to the installation folder of the Integrator, if you are unsure right click on the shortcut and select Properties and check the path.
  • Paste here and replace the existing Adk.dll file

If the error persists, carry out a repair of Visma Administration using the Visma Assist Administration tool, which you can find under Start - All programs - Visma Spcs - Visma Assist. You can also search in Windows for Visma Assist. 

Cannot find specified profit center in Visma

Error message when transferring from Visma PM to Visma Administration that profit center cannot be found. In Visma Administration, profit centers are used for what in Visma PM is called cost centers. Profit centers and cost centers must be used for the transfer to work. In Visma PM, cost centers are found under Tools > Settings >Financial information > Cost centers.

 In Visma Administration, profit centers are found under File > Settings > Company settings > Accounting > Profit centers.

The link between cost centers and profit centers is Code/Result unit in Visma PM/Admin. Code in PM = Result unit in Admin, Cost center name in PM = Name in Admin. 

Solution: The error may be due to missing information in Visma PM or in Visma Administration

Visma PM:

  • Check that the correct Cost Center is specified in the project's project settings
    If integration is enabled, this is a requirement when creating projects, but projects created before integration is enabled may lack a cost center.
    If the cost center is missing on the project, the column with Result Unit is empty in the integration tool. Update the project and test again.
  • Check that the Code field in Visma PM matches the Result unit field in Visma Administration

Visma Administration

  • Check that the Results unit is set up in Visma Administration, and that the Results unit field in Visma Administration and Code in Visma PM match. 

Cannot find specified item in Visma

Codes for travel expenses, work types or products that are invoiced and registered in Visma PM are not registered in Visma Administration. In Visma Administration, Codes are called Article numbers. Products in PM are linked via Code to articles that are added under Register - Articles & Services in Admin. 

Solution: The code for the item(s) being invoiced must be registered in the same way in Visma Administration as in Visma PM. Remember: Code in PM = Article number in Admin. 

Also check that the item numbers specified as Default item numbers in the integration program's settings are stored as items in Visma Administration's item register. 

Multiple products, labor types and travel expenses can have the same code if you wish but it is not recommended for integration. If you do not define codes, the default item numbers specified in the integration settings will be used for transfer.
In PM there are 3 different types of records: Products, Travel expenses and Work types.
Navigate to
Tools > Settings > Registers of work types, travel costs and products to check that these match the item register in Administration. 

All unique codes to be invoiced from projects in PM must have a corresponding item with the same item number in Visma Adminsitration:

  • Select in the main menu: Register - Articles & Services
  • Post new item in Visma Administration if it is missing
  • Make sure that the Article number corresponds to the code from Visma PM

Keep in mind that there is also a default part number in the integration program.
This item number is used:

  • When a product, work type or travel cost has no predefined code
  • When adding new products/items to projects or invoices that have no code
  • When grouping invoice rows in such a way that no code can be put on the row (e.g. grouping by person):

For more information on how to use Articles & Services in Visma Administration, we refer you to Visma SPCS: Click here to read more.

Too many decimals

Visma Administration defines how many decimals are allowed for different units, no such setting exists in Visma PM. In this error, more decimals have been entered on the invoice in Visma PM than the unit limit allows in Visma Administration 

Solution: In Visma Administration you can define how many decimals should be allowed by going to File - Settings - Company settings - Items/Stores - Units. Here you can add new units or edit existing ones to allow decimals.

The project must have start and end dates

In Visma Administration, projects must be defined with start and end dates. In PM, the end date is not mandatory on projects. 

Solution: Update the project in Visma PM with an end date. To do this, open the project to which the error relates, go to the Project Plan tab, and then set an end date by clicking on Detail Timeline. Set an optional/estimated end date, preferably further in the future.
Then the project can be transferred to Visma Administration.

Supplier invoice row: ... already exists in Severa

Error when transferring supplier invoice from Visma Administration to Visma PM 

Solution: The supplier invoice is already transferred to Visma PM for the selected project. Once a supplier invoice is transferred, the information cannot be re-transferred or updated from Visma Administration via the integration. Open the project in Visma PM and edit the products manually. (You can re-transfer the invoice via the integration if you delete what was transferred earlier in the project from Admin in PM)

Cannot find specified invoice

Error when transferring credit invoice from Visma PM to Visma Administration

Solution: A credit invoice is trying to be transferred to Visma Administration before the original invoice has been transferred. Make sure to first transfer the original invoice to Visma Administration before trying to transfer the credit invoice. If you are unsure which invoice is linked to the credit invoice, open Visma PM and then open the credit invoice. In the upper field, it says which invoice is related to the credit invoice. There is always a related invoice as it is not possible to create independent credit invoices in PM. 

Cannot find currency code entered

Error when transferring an invoice from Visma PM to Visma Administration. The currency used in Visma PM does not exist in Visma Administration
Solution: Define the currency in Visma Administration:

  • Go to File > Settings > Exchange rates
  • Create new currency
  • Select the currency you want to add in Visma Administration
  • Then you can define the currency in Visma Administration

Keep in mind that the exchange rate for invoices is the one set as the exchange rate in Visma PM.

For more information about currency in Visma Administration click here!

Language and currency management is currently disabled

Error message when invoice is to be transferred from Visma PM to Visma Administration
NOTE: Only applies to Administration 500/1000. Is already activated for 2000 by default.

Solution: In Visma Administration, management for language and currency must be enabled. This is activated under File > Company maintenance > Currency and language. For the integration to work, Currency and Language must be enabled for Sales.

Cannot find payment terms specified

Error when transferring from Visma PM to Visma Administration. 

Solution: The error occurs when you have specified payment terms in Visma PM that are not defined in Visma Administration. Either correct the days on the customer/project/invoice in Visma PM to something that exists or add a new payment term in Visma Administration:

  • In Administration, go to File > Settings > Company settings > Company - Payment terms . Check which ones exist and correct in the PM, or add the PM's payment terms in Visma Admin. 
  • In Visma PM, payment terms are only defined by number of days. To check the company's default setting for payment terms, go to Tools > Settings > Invoicing > Payment terms . In addition to this, it is also possible to manually select the number of days per Customer, per Project and also directly on the Invoice draft. Therefore, check all these 3 if you get errors when transferring. 
  • Add the missing payment term in Visma Admin by entering a new Code and Betcode of the same as the number of days specified in the PM. 

Document number already exists

Error message when transferring an invoice from Visma PM to Visma Administration

Solution: This error can occur when transferring an invoice from Visma PM that has not yet received an invoice number, and the next number in the Visma Administration number series is already taken.

  1. Go to table with customer invoices in Visma Administration
  2. Check which number is the latest in the invoice series
  3. Go to File > Settings > Company settings and check Number series under Company 
  4. In the number series, the next invoice number is already occupied.
    The invoice being transferred tries to be given a number used by another invoice in Visma Administration:
  5. Update the number series with the next available number in the invoice series.

Project numbers have been used in the past

Error message when transferring projects.

Solution: The project number of the project you are trying to transfer has been used previously and deleted from the project table in Visma Administration. Go to the project that is failing in Visma PM and click on the existing project number at the top of the project overview to get the option to edit it. Select a project number that is unique in Visma PM and has not been used before in Visma Administration.

For more information about deleted projects in Visma Administration click here.

The key is already in use

Invoice number is already in use.
Most likely the invoice has been transferred before, move the invoice in Visma PM manually to the status of Transferred to get it off the list of invoices for transfer in the integration program.

Current field must not be changed in closed project

Once a project has been closed, it can no longer be updated via the integration without first manually opening the project in Visma Administration.

  1. Open Visma Administration.
  2. Navigate to Accounting > Projects, select the project you need to open. 
  3. Uncheck the box indicating that the project is closed.
  4. Now the project can be updated via the integration.